Tag Archives: Geraldine Connor


Afropolitan Girl


Afropolitanism is simply defined as citizens of the world (cosmopolitans) with
African roots. It is constructed from the name “Africa” and Greek word(s)
“politis” (citizen) or better still the word “kosmopolites” (‘citizen of the world’).
Contrary to popular opinion, the term Afropolitanism originated in South Africa
coined by Achille Mbembe and popularised by writer Taiye Selasi. Selasi penned
an essay, Bye-Bye Babar (2005) in which she defined Afropolitans as ‘Africans of
the world’ identifying multiple local peoples of African descent worldwide. Selasi,
in her Ted Talk, also introduced the newest generation of African emigrants,
saying “Were you to ask any of these beautiful, brown-skinned people that basic
question – ‘where are you from?’ – you’d get no single answer from a single
smiling dancer.”
We are Afropolitans: not citizens, but Africans of the world!


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I believe life is an adventure

Like, Alice in Wonderland

Sometimes you meet monsters on the road


Sometimes you meet Angels!!

Sometimes you have mascara in your eye.

Sweet nectar, butterfly,

For a moment, you cant see what’s in sight.

The tender kiss, the gentle caress,

Fly high, bird song; morning dew, flowers bloom!!

Carnival Masquerade, flamboyant parade!!!

Adventures in life, fun fanfare for life.

Lara Rose Copyright control 21/01/2020