Tag Archives: africa


Afropolitan Girl


Afropolitanism is simply defined as citizens of the world (cosmopolitans) with
African roots. It is constructed from the name “Africa” and Greek word(s)
“politis” (citizen) or better still the word “kosmopolites” (‘citizen of the world’).
Contrary to popular opinion, the term Afropolitanism originated in South Africa
coined by Achille Mbembe and popularised by writer Taiye Selasi. Selasi penned
an essay, Bye-Bye Babar (2005) in which she defined Afropolitans as ‘Africans of
the world’ identifying multiple local peoples of African descent worldwide. Selasi,
in her Ted Talk, also introduced the newest generation of African emigrants,
saying “Were you to ask any of these beautiful, brown-skinned people that basic
question – ‘where are you from?’ – you’d get no single answer from a single
smiling dancer.”
We are Afropolitans: not citizens, but Africans of the world!

Afro futurism within Afropolitanism

Afro futurism

Afrofuturism is a cultural aesthetic, philosophy of science and philosophy of history that explores the developing intersection of African diaspora culture with technology. It was coined by Mark Dery in 1993 and explored in the late 1990s through conversations led by Alondra Nelson. Wikipedia

Afropolitan Melodies

Get me back in the studio…


Afropolitan is a term constructed from the name Africa and the ancient Greek word πολίτης, meaning ‘citizen’. It is an attempt at redefining African phenomena by placing emphasis on ordinary citizens’ experiences in Africa. Afropolitanism is similar to the older Panafricanism ideology. Wikipedia

Melodies, plural of melody

Melody A melody, also tune, voice or line, is a linear succession of musical tones that the listener perceives as a single entity. In its most literal sense, a melody is a combination of pitch and rhythm, while more figuratively, the term can include successions of other musical elements such as tonal color. Wikipedia



Afropolitan is a term constructed from the name Africa and the ancient Greek word πολίτης, meaning ‘citizen’. It is an attempt at redefining African phenomena by placing emphasis on ordinary citizens’ experiences in Africa. Afropolitanism is similar to the older Panafricanism ideology. Wikipedia

Yay, let’s resume blogging!!


Windrush #windrushtreasurechest installation

Yes, let’s resume blogging on WordPress. Daily or weekly updates!! Put into searchable categories, utilise existing site instead of building a new Wix website from scratch!!!?!?! 🎓🤣🤔

Graduating on Wed,  yay!! Got a distinction in my MA and have gone on to start PhD studies last October ! Woo hoo!!!

Yoruba Culture & Artistic practices!! So now where are the tags, and hashtags, etc🤣🤣🤣

I do not know …


I don’t know what is wrong with me so I don’t know how to fix me.
I don’t know who I am or where I belong in order to find the tribe of people who will completely and unconditionally accept and understand me.
From church organisations, educational institutions to musical or artistic explorations;
From African visitations, family expectations to globetrotting expeditions;
Historical lectures of torturous pasts, stories and tales of glorious kingdoms don’t last;
I still don’t know what is wrong with me, so I can fix me.
Redemption promise, washed in blood,
Why blood, why so much blood?! 😞
Brown, black, beige or orange.
Eniyan dudu, eniyan pupa, kilode?
Oh, Africa, I do not know what is wrong with me, so I can fix me.
Is it my muddied dirty skin?
Is it my tangled bushy thorny hair?
Is it the unholy liason with the fathers who steal my dignity over and over again?
Is it the casting away of her daughters, oh motherland?
Are you so ashamed of me, does my visage disgust you?
I do not know what is wrong with me so I can fix me;
Is it because I pray in a foreign tongue?
Are the gods angered that I turn my back on them?
Does the god of Iron despise the god of Abraham?
Are they at war with each other?
Oh, Abba Father, how will the truth be revealed?
Oh, what is wrong with me, so I can fix me?
Don’t know who I am, what I am! Church tells me I am a child of God, a holy priesthood and such lofty ideals;
Yet still like a stranger, imposter I feel in the midst of the congregation.
Oh why, oh why, oh, be at peace for now oh troubled soul.
I do not know what is wrong with me, so I can fix me!

© Lara Rose 2016

Written as part of my end of term assignment APD Leeds Beckett university.

Colour me …


…colour me with words, speechless to say, tis rainbow speak thou for me…

© Lara Rose 2016

Real Women Show Series 2. Ep 1



Lara’s Drugstores


Just Do It!


When you think you can’t do it, just do it!
Take the first step,
Take another step,
Take a third step,
Look, see you’re doing it!
Just get started, soon you create momentum!
Soon you realise you’ve walked a mile;
Soon you even make a plan;
You’re hotting up, you even set a goal.
And guess what, you’re on your way to manifesting your dream!!
When you think you can’t do it, just do it!
© Lara Rose 28/04/16